Summer 10 photograph challenge
1 August 2023 – 31 August 2023
From the 1st August 2023 - 31st August 2023 we will be running a subject based challenge where each photographer will present one image on Photoentry for each of the following subjects:
1. Alone
2. Urban Art
3. Contrast
4. Number 7
5. Through the glass
6. Leaves
7. Symmetry
8. Something Sweet
9. From the ground
10. In/out of shadow
Yes, so that's 10 photographs in total and each one must have been taken between the above dates.
Please ensure your images are uploaded with their exif data as we will need to verify when the images were taken. Also, when uploading to PhotoEntry, the title of your photograph must be that of the chosen subject. Images without exif or the correct title information will be disqualified.
Images will be scored individually and a total score per photographer will be calculated with awards given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Remember to get out this August and have some fun!